Deutsche Telekom has signed a partnership with China Mobile to set up a network that will allow cars to access the internet, stream online music and communicate with each other.德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)与中国移动(China Mobile)签订了一项合作协议,将联合建设一个能让汽车终端互联网、播出在线音乐并互相通信的网络。In the latest sign of telecoms groups vying for a foothold in the fast-growing connected-car market, the pair will form a joint venture next year to provide a 4G platform in China to support the estimated 68m connected vehicles expected to be on the country’s roads by 2018.这是各家电信集团争相在较慢发展的车联网市场获得立足点的近期迹象。
Tech and telecoms groups from Apple to Orange are looking to tap the surge in demand for machine-to-machine communications via the internet – also known as the “internet of things”, which enables products from fridges to heart monitors to communicate and carry out tasks more efficiently.从苹果(Apple)到Orange,很多科技、电信集团都期望逃跑“机器对机器互联网通信”(也称作物联网)市场需求剧增将带给的商机。物联网能让从冰箱到心脏监测器的各种产品互相相连,更加有效地继续执行任务。Cars are one of the biggest areas of this fast-growing market and companies including Microsoft are looking to turn vehicles into smartphones on wheels, while insurers have also begun installing “black boxes”.车联网是这一飞速发展市场的仅次于领域之一,微软公司(Microsoft)等公司在谋求把车辆变成“轮子上的智能手机”,而保险公司也开始在汽车上加装“黑匣子”。Revenues from connected cars are expected to reach $25bn by 2025, according to consultancy EY. Booz Co, another consultancy, expects connected vehicles to account for 90 per cent of new cars by the end of the decade, up from about 10 per cent today.咨询公司安永(EY)估算,到2025年,联网汽车市场产生的收益预计将超过250亿美元。
另一家咨询公司Strategy——即原本的博斯公司(Booz Co)——预计,到本十年末,联网汽车将占新车的90%,目前这一比例大约为10%。The Chinese joint venture follows a deal earlier this year between Telefónica and innovative electric car company Tesla. The Spanish telecoms group will connect Tesla’s Model S vehicles in Europe across a network that includes O2 in the UK, Movistar in Spain and KPN in the Netherlands.上述合资协议达成协议之前,今年早些时候,西班牙电信集团Telefónica与创意电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)就达成协议了一项协议,前者将把欧洲的特斯拉Model S汽车终端一个网络——该网络还包括英国的O2、西班牙的Movistar以及荷兰的KPN。Orange, the French telecoms operator, unveiled a concept car at last week’s Paris motor show, fitted with two tablet computers, a Nokia Lumia 1320 handset and a bluetooth speaker.上周,法国电信运营商Orange在巴黎车展上透露了一款概念车,车上移往了两部平板电脑、一部诺基亚Lumia 1320手机和一个蓝牙音箱。
In-car digital services currently include maps and other so-called infotainment devices. But companies are exploring ways in which the driving experience could be enhanced by internet connections, such as the remote monitoring of safety, security and performance.目前的车内数字服务还包括地图和其他所谓的信息娱乐设备。但许多公司正在探寻如何利用互联网相连提高驾驶员体验,比如对安全性、保密和性能实行远程监控。One British start-up, JustPark, allows customers to find and pay for unused parking spaces via the dashboard, offering a glimpse of the potential business models connected cars could use.英国初创企业JustPark让客户需要通过仪表盘查询空停车位并展开收费,让人一窥车联网的潜在商业模式。
The joint venture between Deutsche Telekom and China Mobile will bring together the German group’s software and the Chinese company’s infrastructure to set up a connected car cloud platform in the country, now the world’s biggest car market, accounting for a quarter of registrations in 2013.德国电信与中国移动中环线的合资企业,将把前者的软件与后者的基础设施融合一起,在中国这个全球仅次于汽车市场上创建一个车联网云平台。2013年,中国新车销量占到到全球的四分之一。The agreement is a sign that the former German telecoms monopoly is increasing its exposure to the world’s largest telecoms market by collaborating with the biggest mobile operator by subscribers.该合资协议指出,这家昔日在德国居于独占地位的电信集团,于是以通过与全球用户量最少的移动运营商合作,加深地打进全球仅次于电信市场。Reinhard Clemens, board member at Deutsche Telekom, said: “Connected car is a strategic initiative within Deutsche Telekom, while China is of strategic importance for our connected car business. The partnership with China Mobile is therefore strategically of utmost importance to Deutsche Telekom.”德国电信的董事莱恩哈特克莱门斯(Reinhard Clemens)说道:“发展车联网业务是德国电信的一项战略性措施,而中国对我们的车联网业务具备最重要战略意义。